“One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over whole food nutrition.  It is substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poison over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of nutritional starvation.” -Dr. Royal Lee 

I draw on 25 years of experience in researching, testing and creating bespoke food for clients with physical, emotional and mental health concerns ranging from

  • allergies and food intolerances

  • IBS

  • auto-immune diseases

  • inflammation

  • cardiovascular disease

  • rheumatoid arthritis

  • neurological conditions

  • fatigue

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • insomnia

    and much more.

Services offered include menu creation, cooking tuition and weekly/monthly nutritionally balanced plant based and ethically sourced vegetarian and pescatarian food plans.

I use seasonal ingredients, carefully curated to include powerful phytonutrients, spices and herbs for optimum nutrition.

Suitable for anyone wishing to learn how to improve their general health and feelings of wellbeing through nutrition whilst living in harmony with the natural world and the changing seasons, but in particular for those with healthcare issues wishing to embrace an holistic view towards their healing.

Why not combine yoga therapy and nutritional therapy? The combination of these two therapies can fill a gap in whole-person wellness strategies while deepening the healing process. Nutrition is essential while we are working on the mind, breath and movement, because until the layer of nourishment is addressed the therapy cannot fully integrate with the person. A person can meditate, exercise and even have an extensive breath work practice, but if they never address the layer of food, the effects of yoga tools can be limited.

I have an expanding medicinal and culinary herb garden with which to offer bespoke tisanes and dried and fresh herbs, each chosen for its unique healing properties.

Please contact me to discuss your requirements.